Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Guilty ObsessionS!!!

First of all, I am back online now...and oh my goodness...I read some books, of course. I officially (not really), hooked up, engaged, and married a character in one of the books that I happened to read.. :p OMG!!!

I am sad to say though that I didn't pick this book to read on my own. The long story short is I was grounded (a long time ago) and I was ordered to read 5 books to get ungrounded...and me...the geek, kept adding books to the pile, and this book was among them.

DELIRIUM by Lauren Oliver!!!!!! One of the best books in the history of books. My guilty literary crush's name is Alex. Yes, Alex. I am even weird enough to mention this to my friends, who all laughed and said I was stupid. :( LOL

I am afraid to tell you, in any way, what this book's about because I will probably spoil it for each and every single one of you, but I want you to read this blog sooner or later, and if you haven't read this book yet, I am so sorry to say that you are late calling dibs on probably one of the best guys in the whole entire world.

There are no flaws about this book. There are only good things I could possibly find to say.

Pub. Date: February 2011
Publisher: HarperCollins
Format: Hardcover, 448 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0061726828
Source: From the publisher

One other book I read is The First Step to Forever by my other boyfriend (bye bye Selena Gomez) because surprisingly (only for you guys) he is my other obsession and I love him so much. I am not going to lie that I know almost everything about him and read anything I can get my hands on about the totally hot guy, Justin Bieber.

Yes, there are people that do make fun of me because I am his favorite girl and his one less lonely girl, but that is not my problem that Justin Bieber happens to like me (if he knew me).

I am so obsessed that I even asked my step-mom to e-mail Ellen Degeneres for me and tell her how obsessed over Justin I am so that I can meet him. She said maybe. I really don't think she will do it though.

I can't say that I saw any flaws to his beautiful, amazing book, but I am just a total stinker for him and love him so much that I probably didn't notice. All that I noticed is his totally awesome life, his love for his fans, his rudeness towards his parents, and his funny personality and humor. I am totally in love.

Andi the step mom interjects here: I'm not happy about the rudeness to parents part. :(

Pub. Date: October 2010 
Publisher: HarperCollins
Format: Hardcover, 240 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0062039743
Source: From the publisher


Rocketgirl said...

I didn't Say I was happy about the rudeness towards parents part...:( That's just foolish of him to be rude to his mother. Because of everything she did for him.

Andi said...

Ha! You are a delightful teenager after all. I knew it!