Saturday, December 22, 2012

I am just posting some quotes that mean something to my can comment a quote that is similar to your life as well:

"One should love you, the way you are. If someone tries to change you in love, then its not love but a compromise and darling, one doesn't compromise in love. 

 “It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.”
Nicholas Sparks

" I learned that things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on, and treasure the memories". ~ Alicia Boxler

" Nothing you love is lost. Not really. Things, people - they always go away, sooner or later. You can't hold them, any more that you can hold moonlight. But if they've touched you, if they're inside of you, then they're still yours. The only things you ever really have are the ones you hold inside your heart."

"Our memories of yesterday will last a lifetime. We'll take the best, forget the rest, and someday we'll find these are the best of times."

Saturday, December 8, 2012


"When I think about how we used to be, I think of how a text from you would make my day. How whether we talked or not will determine if I was happy or sad. How I was always wondering how you really felt, never knowing for sure. I think you were afraid to show me everything, afraid to commit. Or maybe you just really are a player and you didn’t ever actually like me, but I don’t believe that. I guess I won’t know for sure, but what I know is that I never want to have that feeling of letting someone have complete control over my emotions ever again. Because in the end, they just let me down."

            This quote surely describes one of my crush and I. ughh.... I was usually happy when he texted me. But isn't that how they all are?  You're always happy when a guy you like texts you, tells you that he thinks that you're pretty, that he likes you. But now, it isn't the same. Because now, we aren't even friends. We are nothing. Except two people. Two people that may pass by eachother occasionally but don't even say a word. Isn't that sad, that something like that could happen? At first, you two are starting to be friends and the guy you like starts actually complimenting you saying that you seem cool and he wants to hang out with you, then all of a sudden it feels like you hit  a brick wall because all communication stops. It really is kind of painful. Even though we weren't that close, it still meant something to me.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I'm Back!!! Again..but this time for a change up!!

So, readers, I am back. I am sorry that i have been gone and that I haven't been posting anything for a while but, now I am back!:) I want to say one thing, that one of mine, or Estella's readers, told her that they had seen me? I think that it is funny! And I feel kind of famous:)! But this was a while ago... So yea..I thought it was cool:)! Well, I want to change this blog up a bit! This blog used to be a book review blog, but sad to say I am not reading that much lately:( I know that is sad..but I have a lot of other things that keep me away from the books:( I am not proud that I don't read that much anymore but I will soon start reading again.
Actually, I have read three books recently. One is "A Doll's House" by Henrick Ibsen. Two is "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," by Mark Twain. And I am starting on, "The Age of Innocence" by Edith Wharton. If you have any thing to warn me about reading this book, I'd be glad to hear it.:)
So, back to the change up, I am going to post about my interests and what is going on with them, or something like that. And advice. Like if I need advice on something I could tell you the situation and you could simply tell me your thought on it. Also, if I want maybe I could could post some other things, but yea. That is how it is going to change.
So this is my first post in like forever! So, I am going to have to say something interesting shan't I? Lol, well I am in love with Justin Bieber and One Direction so I might also use this blog to support them, more One Direction support at the moment because their getting a lot of hate right now and they are all getting upset because their the kind to stick up for eachother thru hard times, so I am going to try and do that. You might think it is stupid but it means a lot to me and I just want to do something special for them even though they might not see it but people will and you could spread the word for me:)! So yea!! So in One Direction, Zayn Malik is my favorite because he is so inspirational Justin is too!  By far! But Zayn, he is so shy and he is really funny and he seems really nice but he is getting so much hate:( if you don't know who Zayn Is here is a picture of him...
He is so amazing and adorable!
Rocket girl

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Guilty ObsessionS!!!

First of all, I am back online now...and oh my goodness...I read some books, of course. I officially (not really), hooked up, engaged, and married a character in one of the books that I happened to read.. :p OMG!!!

I am sad to say though that I didn't pick this book to read on my own. The long story short is I was grounded (a long time ago) and I was ordered to read 5 books to get ungrounded...and me...the geek, kept adding books to the pile, and this book was among them.

DELIRIUM by Lauren Oliver!!!!!! One of the best books in the history of books. My guilty literary crush's name is Alex. Yes, Alex. I am even weird enough to mention this to my friends, who all laughed and said I was stupid. :( LOL

I am afraid to tell you, in any way, what this book's about because I will probably spoil it for each and every single one of you, but I want you to read this blog sooner or later, and if you haven't read this book yet, I am so sorry to say that you are late calling dibs on probably one of the best guys in the whole entire world.

There are no flaws about this book. There are only good things I could possibly find to say.

Pub. Date: February 2011
Publisher: HarperCollins
Format: Hardcover, 448 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0061726828
Source: From the publisher

One other book I read is The First Step to Forever by my other boyfriend (bye bye Selena Gomez) because surprisingly (only for you guys) he is my other obsession and I love him so much. I am not going to lie that I know almost everything about him and read anything I can get my hands on about the totally hot guy, Justin Bieber.

Yes, there are people that do make fun of me because I am his favorite girl and his one less lonely girl, but that is not my problem that Justin Bieber happens to like me (if he knew me).

I am so obsessed that I even asked my step-mom to e-mail Ellen Degeneres for me and tell her how obsessed over Justin I am so that I can meet him. She said maybe. I really don't think she will do it though.

I can't say that I saw any flaws to his beautiful, amazing book, but I am just a total stinker for him and love him so much that I probably didn't notice. All that I noticed is his totally awesome life, his love for his fans, his rudeness towards his parents, and his funny personality and humor. I am totally in love.

Andi the step mom interjects here: I'm not happy about the rudeness to parents part. :(

Pub. Date: October 2010 
Publisher: HarperCollins
Format: Hardcover, 240 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0062039743
Source: From the publisher

Kiss and Blog

Kiss and Blog by Alyson Noel is no worse than any other drama queen book I have ever read, but I've gotta say it's better than some.

It is about trust and friendship. There are these two best friends that are trying to get into the clique of the populars. But one of the friends end up realizing that it's not going to be that easy for her to get in because she doesn't look like one of the popular girls. Her best friend ends up turning her back on the other and vice versa. They call each other names behind each other's backs. And the totally impossible to be popular friend ends up making a blog and gushing about all her best friend's secrets for revenge.

The friends take totally different paths and there is the same amount of drama in both of their lives.

Friendships are lost. Friendships are gained.  Boyfriends are made. Exes add up.

This is a love gush book that you'll totally freak about because it is so twisted and you never even know what's gonna end up happening. It's all suprises.

At least it was to me.

Pub. Date: May 2007 
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Format: Hardcover, 240 pages
ISBN-10: 0312355092
Source: Library

Saturday, October 9, 2010

IT'S BOOK TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

I woke up at five thirty this morning and waited til six ten exactly but Andi didn't wake up to do the read-a-thon so I decided to go back to bed.She ended up waking me up sooner or later and we started reading.
This time with the read-a-thon, I am really excited because i have my own blog to review on and it is going to be awesome.
I am reading The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks first since i had already started it.
That is not all I am reading though, duhh. I have a whole stack of books right in front of me. RocketBoy might even jump in with us this time.

(I thought it was a cute and funny word.)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hey :P

I'm back!!!! :P I am so sorry I have not posted anything lately. The reason is because I haven't been reading lately. Well actually that is a lie; I had to read two books for school. The first book i had to read is for Ap Human Geography.

The book is called "Three Cups of Tea." It wasn't boring but it was just slow. I actually admire what Greg Mortenson is trying to do, building schools for un-educated kids in Afghanistan.

The second book I had to read for English Pre-Ap is "Charlie St. Cloud." I had to pick the book and of course, I picked this book because of Zac Efron and because I saw the previews for the movie. I got it on my birthday and had mentioned it in a later blog, on my birthday. Within the first thirty pages I was in tears. If you haven't read it yet, you need to.

The latest book I read is "Big Nate Stikes Again" by Lincoln Pierce. I kind of started it on an accident. I started to read it to my baby brother because I was bored and it is an easy-read with pictures. I started reading it and ended up not wanting to put it down because it was so good. I am at page 119 and I started today. Ha!

Okay, I admit I should have been reading more but I got caught up writing this book I   
had started with my G-mama.

I look forward to Dewey's 24-Hour Read-a-Thon in October reading for twenty-four hours, and I am starting "Little Vampire Women." It's the first of four books I am going to read by October 31 for Carl's RIPV Challenge.Hope to accomplish them, and most of all I hope I can stay up the full twenty-four hours. :)
