Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dictionary Challenge

When I was grounded, my dad mentioned something about a punishment. So one day I was like "I'm going to try it!"
He had mentioned something about writing a whole entire book with all the dictionary words. I have been going at it for about a week now. It is thirteen pages, front and back, on notebook paper. It is hard work. And it is a challenge.
The book is about teens who make mistakes in life. This girl gets pregnant at age 16. Her boyfriend, also the father of her child, is now off with a diffrent girl. She is now kicked out of school and everybody except two siblings look at her with disgust. Logan is seventeen and his sister Giggles is fifteen. They are now this girls nextdoor neighbors with their parents. Even know their parents didn't like her that much, they helped her a little, it didnt stop their kids. Atleast not Logan. Logan has a deep secret that he doesn't want to tell Brownie, the sixteen year old girl, other that that he likes her alot and wants to keep her safe. Brownie has a crush on this boy too. One day, when she is at his house, she stumbles upon a photo album that holds the secrets that Logan is not telling her but she doesn't know it.
In the book, they make a bet on the baby, Logan says' girl and Brownie says' boy.
Who do you guys think should be able to win this bet?
I need to know. I want to know what you guys think about the book, the bet, and the review. Please comment.

1 comment:

Debi said...

OMGosh...what a challenge...I can't even imagine how hard that must be!!!

But the story sounds great. I'm totally intrigued by what Logan's secret is...